Spiritual Alchemy — How to use it to Ascend

Sevda Hussein
7 min readAug 12, 2023


Introduction : Spiritual Alchemy

Alchemy is a fascinating ancient practice that combines elements of science, spirituality, and personal transformation. It is often associated with the transformation of base metals into gold, but its true purpose goes beyond material transmutation.

Spiritual Alchemy — It’s use for the Individual;

In the realm of spirituality, alchemy aims to facilitate the transformation and refinement of the self, leading to spiritual enlightenment and personal growth.


This stage represents the burning away of impurities or the breaking down of old patterns and beliefs. It involves intense introspection and self-reflection to identify and release any aspects of ourselves that no longer serve us.


In this stage, one immerses themselves in the depths of their emotions, allowing the dissolution of the ego and the release of emotional blocks. It involves facing and fully experiencing emotional pain or trauma, ultimately leading to healing and emotional liberation.


This stage involves discernment and the separation of the pure from the impure. It requires the ability to recognise what is essential and authentic within oneself and to let go of what is no longer aligned with one’s true nature.


Also known as the “Sacred Marriage,” this stage represents the union of opposites within oneself. It involves integrating the masculine and feminine aspects of one’s being, the conscious and unconscious, to achieve wholeness and balance.


This stage is marked by a transformational process where the energies and qualities within oneself become heightened. It is a time of maturation, growth, and development, leading to the emergence of one’s true essence.


In this stage, the refined and purified aspects of oneself are separated from the rest. It involves distilling the wisdom gained throughout the alchemical process and extracting the most valuable and essential elements of one’s being.


The final stage of alchemy represents the solidification or embodiment of the transformational journey. It involves the integration and manifestation of the refined self, bringing the inner transformation into the outer world.

Spiritual Alchemy: Adapt it to You

To understand how to use alchemy in spirituality and personalise it, it’s essential to familiarise yourself with the seven stages of alchemy, also known as the alchemical process. These stages are symbolic representations of the inner journey towards self-realisation and are as follows:

To use alchemy in spirituality and personalise it, it’s crucial to understand that these stages are not linear, and they may overlap or repeat in different ways for each individual. The alchemical process serves as a guide for inner exploration and personal transformation.

You can incorporate alchemy into your spiritual practice by engaging in self-reflection, shadow work, and introspection. Explore your beliefs, emotions, and patterns of behaviour, and consciously work towards releasing what no longer serves you. Seek balance between opposing forces within yourself and integrate both light and shadow aspects.


Additionally, alchemical symbolism can be used in meditation, visualisation, and ritual practices. Symbols such as the philosopher’s stone, the four elements (earth, air, fire, water), and various alchemical substances can be employed to deepen your connection with spiritual transformation and growth.

Remember that alchemy is ultimately a deeply personal and individual journey. Embrace curiosity, patience, and self-compassion as you navigate the transformative path of alchemy in your spiritual and personal life.

Spiritual Alchemy — Practical steps you can take for the stages of the alchemical process:


  • Engage in regular self-reflection and journaling to identify patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you.
  • Practice mindfulness and observe your thoughts and behaviours without judgement.
  • Seek support from a therapist or counsellor to explore and release emotional wounds and traumas.


  • Allow yourself to fully experience and express your emotions without suppressing or avoiding them.
  • Practice emotional release techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or journaling.
  • Seek out healing modalities such as energy healing, somatic therapy, or emotional freedom technique (EFT) to facilitate emotional healing.


  • Reflect on your values, goals, and aspirations to discern what truly aligns with your authentic self.
  • Set healthy boundaries and learn to say no to things that do not resonate with your true nature.
  • Surround yourself with supportive and like-minded individuals who encourage your personal growth.


  • Explore and embrace both your masculine and feminine qualities within yourself.
  • Engage in practices that balance and integrate the logical and intuitive aspects of your being, such as meditation, yoga, or creative expression.
  • Cultivate self-compassion and self-acceptance, acknowledging and nurturing all parts of yourself.


  • Engage in practices that foster personal growth and development, such as reading inspirational books, attending workshops, or taking up a new hobby.
  • Embrace challenges and view them as opportunities for growth and transformation.
  • Foster a mindset of curiosity and continuous learning.


  • Reflect on your experiences and distil the wisdom gained from them.
  • Practice discernment and prioritise what truly matters to you.
  • Clarify your values and align your actions and choices accordingly.


  • Take concrete steps to embody and manifest your transformed self in the external world.
  • Set goals and create an action plan to bring your vision to life.
  • Cultivate daily practices that support your growth and maintain the integration of your inner transformation.

Remember, these steps are not meant to be followed strictly in a linear fashion. Each person’s journey is unique, and you may find yourself revisiting certain stages or working on multiple stages simultaneously. Allow yourself the flexibility to adapt these steps to your own personal process of alchemical transformation.

How you can recognise and explore personal reflection, visualisation, and metaphors/symbols in your alchemical journey:

Personal reflection:

  • Set aside regular time for introspection and self-reflection. This can be done through journaling, meditation, or simply taking quiet time for yourself.
  • Ask yourself thought-provoking questions, such as “What patterns or beliefs am I ready to release?” or “What aspects of myself do I want to cultivate and embrace?”
  • Pay attention to your emotions, dreams, and intuitive nudges. They can provide valuable insights into your inner world.


  • Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful and serene environment, such as a beautiful garden or a quiet beach. Visualise yourself releasing any negativity or heaviness and absorbing the healing energy of the space.
  • Create a mental image of your desired transformation. See yourself embodying the qualities and characteristics that you wish to cultivate.
  • Use guided visualisation meditations or visualisation exercises found in books or online resources to guide you through specific aspects of your alchemical process.

Metaphors and symbols:

  • Identify metaphors that resonate with your journey. For example, you might envision yourself as a caterpillar in a cocoon, undergoing a transformation before emerging as a butterfly.
  • Explore archetypal symbols that hold personal significance for you. This could include animals, elements (such as water or fire), or specific objects that evoke a deeper meaning.
  • Create visual representations of your journey through art, collage, or vision boards. Choose images, symbols, and words that capture the essence of your transformation.

Remember, the key is to trust your intuition and allow your imagination to guide you. There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to personal reflection, visualisation, and the use of metaphors and symbols. They are powerful tools for connecting with your inner wisdom and understanding the deeper layers of your alchemical journey.

Spiritual Alchemy — When utilising personal reflection, visualisation, and metaphors/symbols in your alchemical journey:

  1. Explore deeper emotions and beliefs: Use personal reflection to delve into underlying emotions and beliefs that may be holding you back or influencing your experiences. Visualize yourself confronting and releasing these emotions, allowing space for healing and growth.
  2. Set intentions and goals: Use visualisation to create clear intentions and goals for your alchemical journey. Visualise yourself achieving these goals and embodying the qualities you desire. This can help manifest your intentions into reality.
  3. Create rituals: Incorporate the metaphors and symbols that hold personal significance into rituals or ceremonies. For example, you can create a ritual around releasing old patterns by writing them down and burning the paper, symbolising their transformation and dissolution.
  4. Seek guidance and support: Engage in conversations with trusted friends, mentors, or therapists who can help you explore your reflections, interpretations, and experiences. They can provide additional insights and perspectives to support your alchemical journey.
  5. Engage in creative expression: Use art, writing, or other creative forms to further explore and express your reflections, visualisations, and symbolic meanings. Allow your creativity to flow and guide you in uncovering deeper layers of your transformation.
  6. Practice mindfulness: Cultivate a sense of presence and awareness in your daily life. Notice the metaphors and symbols that appear in your surroundings or experiences, and reflect on what they may signify for you personally.
  7. Embrace the process: Remember that personal transformation is a continuous journey. Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you navigate the ups and downs. Embrace the lessons and growth that come along the way.

Spiritual Alchemy — Conclusion

Ultimately, the possibilities for where you can go from here are infinite. Trust your intuition, follow your inner guidance, and allow yourself to be open to the transformative power of personal reflection, visualisation, and metaphors/symbols.

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Sevda Hussein

Hi, my name is Sevda, the Book Priestess. I come from a long lineage of Tengrist Shamanic Turkic people.